首页新闻中心南通翻译公司能把这段法语翻译成法语吗?英译英呢?China forest
能把这段法语翻译成法语吗?英译英呢?China forest
La Chine n'a cessé d'étendre sa couverture forestière depuis des décennies. Les Nations Unies appellent cela un moyen "naturel" de lutter contre le changement climatique.
Un rapporteur de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a déclaré que de 2010 à 2020 la Chine s'était classée première au monde pour les gains nets annuels en termes de superficie forestière.
China has been expanding forest coverage for decades. The United Nations calls it "the natural means to deal with climate change.".
A reporter of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that from 2010 to 2020, China ranked first in terms of annual net income from forest area.
1) China has been expanding forest coverage for decades.
For more than ten years,China has been growing more and more trees/has been increading its afforestation/has been covering its lands with more and more trees,or forests.
2) The United Nations calls it "the natural means to deal with climate change."
The international organization calls it the natural approach to coping with/handling/improving climate change=the weather or climate is becoming wsrmer and warmer,or worse and worse.
3) A reporter of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that from 2010 to 2020, China ranked first in terms of annual net income from forest area.
A report said China led the world/topped the world in earning money from growing trees.
【发布时间】2020-12-15 【信息来源】管理员 【浏览点击】1578次