





Ginkgo Tree

Ginkgo, also known as Gongsun Tree in China, is a rare species. Hailed as the “living fossil” in plant kingdom, it symbolizes health, longevity, happiness, and auspiciousness. In the past century, it witnessed innumerable changes in the area east of Zhonghua Gate, and the lives of generations of residents who live there. 


桂花,四季常青,清雅高洁。古语谓之仕途得志、飞黄腾达者 折桂。相传,当年傅善祥参加科举考试期间,喜欢在桂花树下诵读经史备考。此后,她在考场上显示出其过人的才华,一举夺魁,成为中国历史上唯一的女状元,故世人又称此树为状元树

Osmanthus Tree

Osmanthus is an evergreen tree, growing elegant and noble. In the ancient China, a person was described as “obtaining osmanthus” when he or she rose to power and realized political ambition. It was said that Fu Shanxiang often read under osmanthus when she prepared for the imperial examination. Later, she displayed extraordinary talent and achieved the highest mark. With this, Fu became the first female Zhuang Yuan, the highest level of scholar in the ancient China. Therefore, the osmanthus tree is also known as the “Zhuang Yuan Tree.”



Pomegranate Tree

Ancient Chinese people highly regarded pomegranates, describing the the inside to “a thousand seeds within one skin, each one alike the other.” Pomegranates were considered the symbol of nobility and auspiciousness. Today's variety has a history of 100 years, and flowers in May and June. The blossoms are as red as fire while simultaneously being delicate and charming, attracting a great many people to enjoy this unique tree.




A boxwood tree can live up to 200 years, and is evergreen throughout the seasons. Due to its beauty and longevity, it is also known as the “One Thousand Year Boxwood.” People also assign this tree fengshui properties, such as dispelling evil and granting longevity and auspiciousness. A special and pungent fragrance emitted from the tree itself is effective for driving off insects and detoxification.



No. 22 Well at Examination Sheds at Shangjiang

This well was built in Qing Dynasty and is perfectly preserved to this day. Its exterior is constructed of bluish stone, with brick lining the inside. According to the local residents, the well was constructed near Examination Sheds at Shangjiang and the Ti Diao Mansion. The well was built in order to facilitate the daily life of the examiners and candidates during the examination. Today, the well can still be used, and the water is clear and sweet. 



No. 81 Well at Santiaoying Street

       This well was built in Qing Dynasty, with a hexagonal exterior and bluish bricks lining the inside. No. 81 well is perfectly preserved, and can still be used toady. In was said that residents often took water from Qinhuai River that was far from Zhonghua Gate, which was inconvenient for them. After seeing this, a wealthy man in Jinling named Jiang Shoushan (also known as “Millionaire Jiang”), invested in digging the well to ease the local people's lives.

【发布时间】2013-12-27 【信息来源】管理员 【浏览点击】3327次