The Traditional Chinese Architecture Series
Five Books on Historic Structures in Beijing(3)
著文 王 贵 祥
图片 包 志 禹 等
Written by Wang Guixiang
Illustrations by Bao Zhiyu et al
Tsinghua University Press
October 2008
The Traditional Chinese Architecture Series
The publication of which was funded by China Resources Breweries Co., Ltd.
策划: 王 群、王向东
主持: 朱文一、王贵祥
撰著: 清华大学建筑学院
Planned by Wang Qun and Wang Xiangdong
Directed by Zhu Wenyi and Wang Guixiang
Written by the ArchitecturalCollegeofTsinghuaUniversity
Five Books on Historic Structures inBeijing
第一书 北京故宫
Book I. TheForbidden City
第二书 北京颐和园
Book II. TheSummerPalace
第三书 北京天坛
Book III. TheTempleofHeaven
第四书 北京四合院
Book IV.BeijingSiheyuan
第五书 北京古代建筑地图(上、下)
Book V. Map of Historic Structures inBeijing(Part I and Part II)
Five Books on Historic Structures inBeijing(3)
第一章 走近天坛
第一节 天国的神殿
第二节 明代圜丘与大祀殿
第三节 清代天坛建筑群
第二章 天与古代南郊祀典
第一节 古代天崇拜与郊祀礼仪
第二节 金中都与明清北京城的郊坛
第三章 祈年殿的由来
Chapter III. The Origin of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
第一节 从大祀殿到大享殿
Section I. From the Hall of Grand Sacrifice to the Hall of Grand Worship
第二节 从古明堂到明清天坛大享殿
Section II. From the traditional bright hall to the Hall of Grand Worship in theTempleofHeavenduring the Ming and Qing Dynasties
第三节 从后稷祭祀到祈谷坛与祈年殿
Section III. From sacrifice to Houji to the Altar of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
第四章 圜丘与天坛
Chapter IV. The Circular Mound and theTempleofHeaven
第一节 古代圜丘与“天坛”称谓的由来
Section I. The ancient circular mound and the origin of the name of theTempleofHeaven
第二节 周回九里三十步
Section II. A circumference of nine li thirty paces
第五章 祈年殿是如何建造的
Chapter V. The construction of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
第一节. 祈年殿的台基与祈谷坛
Section I. The base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Altar of Prayer for Good Harvest
一. 殿身台基
I. The base of the hall
二. 祈谷坛
II. The Altar of Prayer for Good Harvest
1. 祈谷坛
1. The Altar of Prayer for Good Harvest
2. 栏杆
2. The railings
3. 台阶
3. The steps
4. 柱础
4. The plinths
第二节 大木作梁架
Section II. The beam mount
一. 柱子与额枋
I. The columns and the architraves
1. 柱子
1. The columns
2. 特殊部位的柱子
2. Columns in special positions
3. 柱头上的额枋
3. The architraves on top of the columns
4. 特殊部位的枋
4. Ties in special positions
二. 梁架
II. The beam mount
1. 梁
1. The beams
2. 梁上的桁与枋
2. The purlins and ties above the beams
三. 雷公柱、瓜柱与由戗
III. Leigong columns, gua columns and youqiang
第三节. 斗栱
Section III. The bracket sets
1. 斗栱分类
1. The classification of bracket sets
2. 下檐斗栱
2. The bracket sets at the lower eaves
3. 中檐斗栱
3. The bracket sets at the middle eaves
4. 上檐斗栱
4. The bracket sets at the upper eaves
5. 上、中、下檐斗栱的等级差别
5. The class distinction between the brackets at the upper, middle and lower eaves
第四节. 屋面
Section IV. The roofing
1. 椽子与望板
1. The rafters and the roof boarding
2. 殿顶的苫背、瓦面与瓦饰
2. The mortar bed, the tiles and the tile ornaments
3. 宝顶
3. The roof top
第五节. 小木作装修
Section V. Joinery decoration
1. 门窗装饰
1. The decoration of the doors and windows
2. 天花与龙井 (藻井)
2. The ceilings and the caisson
第六节. 彩画
Section VI. Colored Painting
1. 外檐彩画
1. Colored painting at the exterior eaves
2. 内檐彩画
2. Coloured painting at the interior eaves
第七节. 其他部件
Section VII. Other Components
1. 窗下槛墙
1. Railing walls under windows
2. 殿内神台
2. The ‘sacred altar’ inside the hall
第六章 圜丘坛及其附属建筑
Chapter VI The Circular Mound Altar and ItsAuxiliaryBuildings
第一节 皇穹宇的造型变迁
Section I Evolution in shape of the Imperial Vault of Heaven
第二节 回音壁
Section II The Echo Wall
第三节 圜丘坛
Section III Circular Mound
第七章 天坛的附属建筑
Chapter VII Auxiliary Buildings of theTempleofHeaven
1. 皇乾殿
1. Hall of Great Heaven
2. 神厨、神库与宰牲亭
2. Divine Kitchen, Divine Warehouse and the Pavilion for Slaughtering Sacrifices
3. 斋宫
3. The Palace for Abstinence
4. 神乐署
4. Department of Divine Music
第八章 天坛建筑的艺术与象征
Chapter VIII Art and Symbolism of theTempleofHeavenArchitecture
第一节 天坛建筑的空间艺术
Section I Spatial Art of theTempleofHeavenArchitecture
第二节 天坛建筑的象征意义
Section II Symbolic meanings of theTempleofHeaven
Appendix: Major events concerning sacrifice at theTempleofHeavenby Ming and Qing emperors and its changes
The sources of the pictures
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