不少中文里特有的热词,诸如“tuhao”、“dama”、“no zuo no die”之类。不过,如果直接让老外看这些单词,那必然是“除了看不懂还是看不懂”。所以,小编将过去2年里出现的一些热词进行了整理和翻译。看看你知道这些流行语的正确英语表达方式吗?
1. Duang
字面英语:(Sound) Boom! / (Chinese pronunciation) Duang
实际英语:An incredible change occurred, just like who used some magic or special effects.
2. 买买买
字面英语:Buy, buy, buy!
实际英语:Buy whatever you / I want.
3. 我也是醉了
字面英语:I’m drunk, too.
实际英语:This is too terrible, I can say nothing more!
4. 为何放弃治疗
字面英语:Why do you give up your treatment?
实际英语:You are crazy, I can’t understand you.
5. 节操碎了一地
字面英语:(Someone’s) principles fell to the ground and broke.
实际英语:(Someone) doesn’t have principles anymore.
6. 整个人都不好了
字面英语:My whole body feels sick.
实际英语:My feeling can’t be worse anymore.
7. 有钱就是这样任性
字面英语:(Someone) is rich and headstrong, like this.
实际英语:(Someone) spent his / her own money on crazy things, but we can do nothing with him / her.
8. 我读书少你不要骗我
字面英语:I don’t have much education, don’t cheat me.
实际含义:敢骗我你完蛋了 / 认真说,不要骗我
实际英语:If you dare to cheat me, you will be finished. / Seriously, don’t fool me.
9. 这画面太美我不敢看
字面英语:This scene is so beautiful that I don’t dare to see.
实际英语:This scene is extremely terrible that I don’t want to see it anymore.
10. 过来,我保证不打死你
字面英语:Come here, I won’t beat you to death, I promise.
实际英语:I’m very angry, I want to beat you.
11. 今天没吃药,感觉萌萌哒
字面英语:Today I didn’t take medicine, I feel I’m so cute now.
实际英语:I did something very stupid, but it’s funny. (Probably on purpose)
12. 这么牛,你家里人知道吗?
字面英语:Does your family know you are so awesome?
实际英语:Don’t be shameful here, go home now!
13. 我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了
字面英语:My little friends and I are totally shocked.
实际英语:This is too shocking!
A: “Hey man, why do you give up your treatment?”
B: “Oh, you remind me. Today I didn’t take medicine, I feel I’m so cute now.”
看了这些,你也能很“溜”地将充满趣味和文化交流意味的中文流行语讲给老外听了吧?别看这微不足道,语言之间的交流和转化也是学习英语时一个重要的过程。在转化的同时,注意观察、区别和总结不同语言之间的不同特点,你的思维模式也能够从此受益,Make it big!
【发布时间】2017-03-16 【信息来源】管理员 【浏览点击】1861次